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JLC Has Talent

Purim Spiel 2021

Meet the Talented Team

Jacqueline Sini - Gymnastics Vashti dancing around by herself before being asked to dance before the King.

Maya Katz - Slime Show Hegai mixing potions to make the girls beautiful for the King
Allie Huber
Does a split
Esther getting ready to audition for the King

Maddie Levine 

Jumping on a Trampoline Mordechai refusing to Bow before Haman

Lawrence Worth
Tech Timeline
Haman drawing lots  and dates
Ethan Pasckes
Kicks a soccer ball
Haman angry about Mordechai

Baron Huber

Climbs the walls

Bigtan and Teresh fleeing their fate

Gregory Worth

sings the Alef Bet

Mordechai outside the palace worrying about Esther

Ivy Pasckes 

Sings My Favorite Things Esther praying (in a very positive manner) before her audience with the King

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